A Scary Precedent

May 4th, 2018



As you can see on the picture, the Sun Sentinal, of Broward County-where the Parkland Shooting took place-really messed up.

That gun ad placement WAS horrible.  Right below a front page story featuring a Parkland victim's new grave stone.  Not cool.  

Suspending gun ads until they figure it out was wise..but pulling all gun ads permanently?  That's what they did.  And that's what scares me.

Mr. Guttenberg, who lost his child in the shooting, praises this.  But you should be scared. Very scared.  

They're trying to shame us.  Trying to silence us.  Take away our 1st Amendment right to express our support for our 2nd Amendment right. 

This right is codified.  They seek to take it away.  Thank God for President Trump and VP Pence.  Thank God for the NRA! STAND STRONG and don't give an inch.

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