Regulate Video Games More? You Sound Like a Lib!

Aug 5th, 2019



I am so frustrated with how many of my listeners actually want to blame video games.

The guy's parents were divorced and he lived with his grandparents.  Looks like he was not loved and poured into like my son is.

SEVERAL STUDIES SHOW there is NO LINK to violence and video games, including VERY RECENT and COMPREHENSIVE ONES. 

Stop with false distractions. I'm so dissapointed with our Lt. Governor saying it's video games..and TRUMP!  DANG!

I strongly dislike horror movies. Won't watch them. Should we ban or regulate them, too? Pathetic.

The kid filled a void with something that he didn't get from his parents and from God.  It's on his parents and him.

You want to regulate video games? You sound like libs who want to regulate guns.

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