The State Rests: Guyger Trial Day 4
The state finished it's case today-but not without helping Guyger. And that's a good thing.
The second Ranger to testify HELPED Guyger-this time in FRONT of the jury-telling us that of all the defense tools on her duty belt, the one he would have used-and the one their training tells them to use-is their gun. Amen.
Some Key Points:
The state never established-or even tried to establish-motive. Hmmm..maybe because their is none ;)
Guyger may very well testify NEXT!! EXCITING!! She may be the FIRST person out of the box tomorrow/Friday. WOW! GRIPPING.
The judge ruled they WILL do the trial on SATURDAY, too!!! WOW! From 9a-4p. Possibly because the jury is sequestered. Cool, though. I'm in.
Notice the state did NOT use the video of the Rangers interviewing Guyger...hmmm..Possibly because..oh, I don't know..she looks LEGIT and it HELPS her side!!??
A few jurors crossed their arms during trial today, showing they probably made up their minds that Guyger's guilty/a "Murderer". No prob-My guess is that 4-8 of the jurors will not budge on "NOT GUILTY" because Guyger is...NOT GUILTY. Mistake of Fact, codified in Texas Law, still applies to this. As Ranger Armstrong, the lead investigator in this case said, she committed no crime and should be found not guilty on any and all charges you can think of. Done. This black Ranger..must be..racist ;)'s just..true!
We find out today that we will never know where Botham Jean really was that the time he was shot. UNLESS we hear that from Guyger, which we will. SHE is the ONLY ONE alive to tell the story. And if I'm a betting man, I say she's first to testify tomorrow/Friday..again..WOW!!
Yes, the Defense asked for a "Direct Verdict" from the judge after the Prosecution rested. That would mean the judge can unilaterally rule Guyger's "not guilty". Funny enough, but this is a common practice, though no one was surprised the judge said "no".
Lastly, why the early dismissal today, you ask? I think because it was close to the end of their normal day in court, and it was abrupt when the Prosecution rested..and that very possibly meant Guyger was up next...Defense members huddled around Guyger, apparently prepping her for her turn to take the stand. In the end, it was determined by either the team or the judge that it should start tomorrow...whether it's Guyger first, or not.
Gripping. We'll see tomorrow!!
Today's Riot Meter:
Moderately High-7 (1-10, 10 being highest)