"This S--- Has Got to Stop"

Jan 6th, 2020



Breaking: The new "plan" Chief Hall release to be called "This Sh-- Has Got to Stop by U Renee Hall"

209 Homicides for 2019.  We broke a record!  AND..we're averaging about 1 homicide per day this year so far, including a 1-year-old baby, which led to the Chief unveiling her new "Plan" about Sh-- stopping!!  

Well, she imported Detroit to Dallas, so what do you expect!?

Two years into Chief Hall's tenure, and what do we have?

  • Homicides Up 30%, highest numbers since 2007! 
  • Agg Assault up 19%
  • Robberies up 13%

In case you missed it, Chief turned into an emotional child, swearing during a press conference upon learning of another homicide victim..this time a 1 year old.  All she can do is swear and tell the thugs that she loves so much to "stop".  That's the joke Dallas hired.  It would be much funnier if so many people weren't dying, particularly black people, who comprise about 25% of the city, yet disproportionately account for 60% of all murder victims.  Now, THAT'S bringing Detriot, where Chief's from, to Dallas!  Well played! 

Way to go, Dallas City Council!  You got what you hired: A Black Lives Matter City Manager in Teaser "TC" Broadnax (he hates it when we tell you his first name) and a Black Lives Matter Police Chief in U Renee Hall.  They hang out with convicted black baby beater Dominique Alexander (also recently indicted for beating his black baby momma and awaiting trial for theft of thousands of dollars from his previous employer in Denton County), and even put him on their Police Review Board!

Don't forget, these great #'s couldn't be possible without the cooperation of the second half of Dallas' "Wonder Twins", D.A. John "Let 'em Go" Cruezot, who's favorite line is "What's the lesson [when I charge criminals], 'Don't be poor!' ?".   Cruezot campaigned with Alexander and accepted his endorsement!  He loves black baby beaters, too!   Cruezot is a GREAT compliment to our "Imported from Detroit" Chief, who's favorite line is "In these instances [of murder, violent crime] these people are forced to commit violent acts.".




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