The Mayor of Colleyville is being dishonest if he tells you he consulted Tarrant Judge Whitley or Governor Abbott/his staff before unveiling his new order that allows massages, haircuts and workouts at gyms, among other things.
He did not, says Judge Whitely in the Star-Telegram. And Judge Whitley says Mayor Richard Newton's order is in violation of the Governor's orders and that he wishes Newton and him could be on the same page. Translation: Newman went rogue, just like he did at the outset of the Chinese Bat Virus.
Newman called in on tonight's show, where he was, again, intellectually dishonest. He said the Governor said it was OK; in line with his order. No. Just go to 1:12 and watch the last several seconds of the Governor's comments on this. "If there's something not in my agreement, we'll be happy to talk to him about it.". Translation: I didn't know massages, haircuts and gyms/workout classes are allowed, because that's not allowed in my order".
So-why on my show tonight-did the Mayor need to be dishonest? And why couldn't he wait 9 more days for this order to be over in Tarrant? Why didn't he consult the County's EMA, Judge Whitely? Why didn't he consult the Governor's staff?
And even MORE LOGICALLY, if his order is "In line with the Governor's order", as he says, why did he not do this 3 or 4 weeks ago?!?! HELLO??
I'm glad the Mayor's a fan and listener, but I would respect him more if he was just honest in this and said "These orders go too far. I disagree and we're doing things differently." I'd respect that a lot more than this dishonesty.
The Numbers:
Dallas County 2,428 Cases, 60 deaths 2 recoveries
Tarrant County 1,333 Cases, 42 deaths, 223 recoveries
Denton County 619 Cases, 18 deaths, 258 recoveries
Collin County 570 Cases; 14 deaths, 383 recoveries
Total 4,950 Cases 134 Deaths 866 Recoveries
Percentage Increase in 36 Days (March 15th: 26 Cases): 18,938%