A Lesson in Civil Rights Pimpery

Apr 19th, 2019



He helped pick the Police Chief.  He met with the City Manager regularly.  The DA lovingly accepted his endorsement.  The Mayor loves him.

And now he sits in jail for beating a black woman.

This is Dominique Alexander, the head of Black Lives Matter in Dallas, and head Civil Rights Pimp for DFW.

I told you this was coming.  Alexander was convicted of beating a black baby boy already.  Also convicted of theft, making a false report and evading arrest.  

Teaser "TC" Broadnax, the Dallas City Manager is besties with Alexander.  Teaser loves him so much, he put him on the panel to pick the Dallas Police Chife, U. Renee Hall.  Broadnax and Hall are Black Lives Matter/Black Panther activists, so they love Alexander.  In fact, at their urging, he's on the police citizen's review board, helping hold our cops accountable.

What's so interesting is that Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings had another big rally yesterday to talk about "How to be a Man"...and telling us "A men should never hit a womnan".  It's funny, both Rawlings and pro-crime DA John Cruezot both declined to be on my show tonight to comment about this, but boy have they loved having this pimp in their pockets.  

They can run, but they can't hide from my show.

SO, the lesson is, if you want to be a civil rights leader in Dallas, you need to beat black baby boys and be in jail for beating black woman.

Well spoken, Mayor Rawlings, DA Cruezot, Chief Hall, Teaser "TC" Broadnax.

I haven't beaten a black baby or woman..does this mean I can't be a leader and friend of yours, guys?

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