Carwashes Kill People, Not Thugs

Jun 9th, 2019



This weekend, we learn that carwashes commit crimes, not thugs. 

That's what the City of Dallas is teaching us this weekend, as it comes out and blames Jim's Carwash for killing people in one of Dallas' most troubled areas, even as NBC 5 reveals that the city promised $375k of monies collected by the City for a "Public Improvement District", collected to enhance safety in this community, has been mismanaged and put on hold--meaning no extra security for citizens or the carwash-further meaning that it's all the carwash's fault..somehow.  Watch this NBC 5 story to see City Councilmen Kevin Felder-recenlty accused of hitting and running on one of his own black, disabled constituents recently-laugh it all off, while the city instead blames a private business owner for the mayhem.  Welcome to Chicago..I mean..Dallas.

(pictured above: this horrible picture from a viewer of WFAA-TV Ch 8's Jason Whitely, showing some of the devastation from this weekend's crane crash, symbolizes well the crumbling of the city that is to come from its pro-crime BLM/SJW leadership culture)
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