It would be funny if people weren't dying

Jun 25th, 2019


This would be funny if people weren't dying.
Dallas Police Chief U Renee Hall is failing so badly, that 1/2 the cops in Dallas say she needs to go and now even LULAC leaders are echoing their concerns.
So..What would be so funny about this all, if people weren't dying?  Chief bragging about going 12 days without a homicide..and then finding out someone was killed 47 minutes before they announced it!  
What else would be funny? Comparing Dallas to Frisco, saying Frisco has a huge increase in homicide, too.  100%!  From zero to 1!  
What else? Saying 29 of the murders were over "arguments", so that doesn't count. How about Dallas Morning News saying 1 week after she was called out, she layed out her "plan" to the City Council--and that there really is no plan! 
Funny-if we weren't now tied with Los Angeles in homicides-and they have 2 1/2 million more residents than we do.  
Funny-if we weren't twice the murders from last year so far.  
Funny if it wasn't this Chief who said these criminals are "forced to commit violent acts".
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