Get the Hell Out of Dallas: GUYGER GUILTY

Oct 2nd, 2019


Get the hell out of Dallas.  

The jury didn't follow the Jury Charge/instructions, nor understand/care to read the law.  They just chose to "hang" Guyger.

Tonight, Guyger sits in Lew Sterrett jail in protective custody, as all cops do when in jail.

She will not be freed on bail.  A 2017 Texas law that caught most attorneys and legal analysts off guard forbids appeal bonds for murder.  She will not be freed until she gets a new trial and wins that one, which I believe she will.  

However, Guyger will not get her appellate decision for 2-2 1/2 years.  So she will sit in jail and receive no compensation when she is freed.  And she will be freed, when in the words of my legal analyst @AttyPeteSchulte says, she gets a "rational jury".  

They will most likely move the trial to East or West Texas.  They will remand this case back to the lower courts for a new trial also based on the fact that the Texas Ranger, Ranger Anderson, who led the investigation, was prohibited from testifying as an "Expert Witness".  If he was allowed to be an EW, he would lawfully have been allowed to say (as he did out of the presence of the jury) that he believes Guyger did not commit any crime whatsoever.  Not Murder, Manslaughter or Criminally Negligent Homicide.  Nothing.

Ranger Anderson will be allowed to testify to that in front of the jury they'll get after they win the appeal, and Guyger will be set free.  After 2-2 1/2 years in jail.

Perhaps the jury did this to stave off a riot.  Perhaps they did this, like the OJ trial--as a social justice verdict.  

Either way, this is a miscarriage of justice.  


-An analyst on WFAA who works with the Race Pimp lawyers in this case, said he'd heard rumors that some members of the jury made up their mind before the trial began.  If proven, it'll be thrown out.  It surprised me, because he's on the proesecution's side!

-One of the race pimp attorneys in this case today after the guilty verdict said they knew they had a "Progressive" judge.  That's why she was biased in this.

-My legal analyst says look for the jury to give 26 years, the age of Botham Shem Jean, as the Roy Oliver jury did in the death of 15 year old Jordan Edwards. 

Why get the hell out of Dallas?  They're going after anyone who defends themselves.  They're wholesale going after the cops now, saying they're going to get the head of the DPA police union, Mike Mata, fired. And Guyger's former partner?  They're going for his head, too.  And the DPD?  Them, too.  Wholesale.  Get the hell out of Dallas.

Riot Meter:

LOW: 2 (1-10, 10 highest)
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